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Horse of the year

작성자 Arlen
작성일 24-12-14 02:39 | 222 | 0


California Chrome was the horse that received the award Horse of the Year after successfully winning the first two legs of the Triple Crown followed by the Saturday night horse of the year award. The Kentucky Derby and the Preakness victories were the key to the trophy that the Chrome received. The young horse has experienced an amazing year and has won two of the major tournaments in his second year of professional racing horse. His Co-owner Steve Coburn commented that his has been an incredible journey with ups and ups, Jackpot Bet Online and Jackpot Bet Online not a single down.

He managed to make an outstanding run to all the races that he participated, and managed to convert the brilliant runs into victories on the most important races therefore he secured the Horse of the Year award before anyone knew about it. Six wins in nine races is the record that propelled him to the top of the racing horses’ list and Jackpot Bet Online what brought him the award despite the fact that there were many horses that were close to that, Jackpot Bet Online and few even better.

His two trophies, one in the Eclipse for three year old male horses followed by the Preakness win at Breeders’ Cup Classic.

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